The establishment of a European network of CBRN training, testing and demonstration centres with a view to increasing the training capacity, which should lead to an increased preparedness and response to incidents; this is achieved through increased cooperation between CBRN training centres and through innovation in CBRN training, based on the input and needs of “practitioners”.
European cooperation on CBRN
One of the spearheads of the European policy in the field of civil security and CBRN is the improvement of the EU CBRN training capacity. The eNOTICE project contributes to this by bringing European CBRN training centres into contact with each other, and by stimulating cooperation, for example by organising Joint Activities.
During these Joint Activities, the consortium partners are invited to watch an activity at the host. These can be tabletop exercises, or field exercises, but also courses that are given. This activity can also be combined with testing new technologies or new ways of working. These Joint Activities (JAs) encourage the exchange of information, for example on best practices, and being open to new innovative ideas that may also be useful for the visiting training centres. These innovations can also be tested by the end-user during the JAs, to make sure that they fit the needs and demands of the end-users.
Tools to improve cooperation
eNOTICE also offers several possibilities to get acquainted with other training centres. For example, an online community forum eNOTICE Community Forum and a catalogue to easily find other training centres and their capacity. On top of that, eNOTICE also researches how cooperation can lead to optimising the resources of training centres.
The eNOTICE project also actively works with policy makers to improve the national and cross-border CBRN capacity. Moreover, the eNOTICE project brings together both civilian and military partners so that civilian-military knowledge transfer can contribute to harmonising and improving the training capacity in Europe.
Role of Campus Vesta
Campus Vesta is the technical coordinator of the eNOTICE project. In addition, Campus Vesta uses its knowledge in the field of organising exercises as work package leader for the Joint Activities. Furthermore, Campus Vesta pays attention to the legal, ethical and security implications that may arise during the project.